Inverter repair
As an installer, do you often have to deal with defective inverters from customers? Inverters that no longer turn on or give error messages every time? Then choose to repair the inverter. This is a much more sustainable and, above all, cheaper way to provide your customer with a new inverter.
In general, it is not the complete inverter that is defective, but only one or more components. After repairing the inverter, you get a 3-year warranty on the proper functioning of the inverter. Interested? Submit a repair request!

Scope 10 & 12 inspection
A Scope 12 inspection is a complete, independent check of the solar panel installation. A well-maintained and inspected PV installation offers benefits for the end user. A Scope 12 inspection is mandatory for all commercial solar panel installations. A Scope 12 inspection for homes is not mandatory, but it is wise!
In order for a company to take out fire or building insurance, you must in many cases demonstrate that the electrical installation is fireproof. Fire safety can be guaranteed by periodically subjecting the electrical installations to a Scope 10 inspection.

Solar engineering
Have a 3D engineering made for your customer and show that you are a professional solar energy installer. Your customer receives an accurate yield forecast in kWh per year, as well as a 3D elaboration of the system.
It is also possible to have a shadow analysis made, which provides insight into the annual loss. This way, your customer receives realistic and professional advice so that there are no surprises!